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Using Mapper II

Mapper is accessed by selecting the Mapper icon on the Toolbar.

Select File then Open from the Mapper toolbar where a list of files are displayed. Mapper Files are identified by the Activity ID. This method only uses the Activity ID.

  1. Select the import file name (e.g. if importing Award Codes select M000017 followed by OK).
  2. Use the Browse button to select the corresponding .csv file.
  3. Select either to Validate Only or Perform Update.
    The Validate Only option will validate fields and produce a report on any exceptions without making any changes.
    The Perform Update will update the information as well as produce an exception report.
  4. Clear file before importing. This field becomes available for selected files. Care should be taken when selecting these options, as this will clear all the records for the importing file.
  5. Application Reference. Comments about the import can be added and is displayed on the Connector window under the Reference column. This could be used to differentiate between a Validation only field and an Updated file import.
  6. Select Run to begin the selection process.
  7. The result of the validation/update is displayed on the Import Summary window.
  8. Errors are corrected and the validation can be run again or the import can be updated.


Import Summary

As a result of the import validation or update, the Import Summary message displays showing the following:

  • Status of the Import
  • Access to the Summary Report if errors were encountered.
  • The record count: Total number of records imported/validated, number of accepted records and the number of records rejected.